
May this December surround you with lots of unconditional self-love ✨❤️ ✨❤️✨ ❤️. Set healthy boundaries and say no. Say yes so many yesses to the good stuff, it makes you smile continuously. Ask for support, dance and sing in the kitchen, and spend time alone and with your loved ones. Do things that relax and are good for you. That you are assertive if necessary. Eat your favorite food and know your worth. That you are always happy and satisfied. That you can walk away from anything that doesn’t serve you. That you dare to stay, when it stretches your comfort zone, even if it scares you. No more people pleasing. Fresh air and sun in your face. The wind in your hair and the sacred water cleansing every cell of your body. Lose yourself and find yourself again. Don’t define yourself by your relationship status. Feel that love begins with self-love. No disrespect allowed. Date yourself. Positive self-talk. Release. Stay tuned Open your heart wide and dare greatly. Make a fool of yourself. Self-help. Explore new things. Find yourself and lose yourself again. Grow. Change yourself. Become the person you always wanted to become. Set goals and stick to them. Work healthy. Honor yourself. Don’t let other people’s opinions define you. Let your loved ones give you a loving mirror. Knowing that other people’s actions are not a reflection of your worth. That you forgive yourself. Knowing that we are all walking each other home. That no one is above or below you. That we all keep learning. That you know everything and nothing. Walk, even if that may mean you have to walk alone. Stay, stay, stay, for the sake of love, and may it open your heart. The great revelation of choosing love. Shake off any fear and self-doubt. Stop blaming, love yourself instead. Don’t compare yourself. Drink sweet cocoa. Give and receive lots of hugs. Cuddle. Lean in and relax.

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Hallo, ich bin Iris! Ich bin Interkulturelle Diplom-Psychologin, interaktive Workshop-Facilitatorin, Forscherinnen-Seele, Bloggerin & Speakerin aus Köln. Ich bin Expertin für Inclusive Leadership, Intercultural Teambuilding und liebe Schokolade.

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